Hard to quantify the CO2 credit for each product now, but definitely keeping track of the amounts of charcoal used during the production of these goods it would be quite easy to calculate.
Carbon negative food and body products
The wealth of wisdom of Asian traditions has brought on the market several products that without doubt are intrinsically carbon negative, utilizing highly selected charcoal powder to create healthy detoxifying food and body products, like this hemp charcoal salt mix, a charcoal powder tooth paste and a charcoal soap.
Hard to quantify the CO2 credit for each product now, but definitely keeping track of the amounts of charcoal used during the production of these goods it would be quite easy to calculate.
Something really worth trying as soon as you get the chance: the tooth paste is made in Thailand by the Vegetarian society and the other two products are made in Japan.
Hard to quantify the CO2 credit for each product now, but definitely keeping track of the amounts of charcoal used during the production of these goods it would be quite easy to calculate.